
MaxCOA, is a proprietary Change of Address system, with approximately 130 million names and addresses should be used in conjunction with NCOA to identify the maximum number of changes of address. The combined processes significantly improve mail deliverability providing mailers substantial savings. MaxCOA provides address changes for up to 60 months and may also be used as a separate process. MaxCOA often finds an additional 50% or more moves above NCOA moves by using MaxCOA after your NCOA processing. This service requires a MaxCOA Agreement Form. Maximum address hygiene benefits are realized when MaxCOA is processed in conjunction with NCOA, DSF and LACS. MaxCOA is an exclusive product of Anchor. This service is performed in our facility. Anchor compiles the change of address database from many sources.

Locatable Address Conversion System (LACS)....

LACS enables you to update your mailing lists when addresses have been converted by local authorities from rural to city style address (i.e. Renumbering of houses, usually as a result of a 9-1-1 conversion effort). It improves deliverability and identifies potential duplicates between name and address records that have the original address and those that are already using the new converted address. A National Deliverability Index Report show how your list compares to United States Postal Service standards. Processing lists with the 4 million record LACS database has resulted in savings of up to 3% for many direct marketers. The United States Postal Service is only required to deliver mail to the old style address for one year after a LACS conversion.

The maximum address hygiene benefits are realized when NCOA (including NIXIE Option) processing is done in conjunction with MAX-COA & LACS.

NCOA Processing is performed by a non-exclusive licensee of the United States Postal Service.