Address Standardization....

Our various Address Standardization software systems can deal with transposed street addresses and incorrect street names. For example, is 123 Any Street, 132 Any Street, or 132 Ant Street correct? By comparing these addresses to national databases and by using the Delivery Sequence File Second Generation (DSF2 TM), you can automatically determine if:

  • The ZIP Code® matches the city and state portions of the address.
  • The ZIP Code® (or corrected ZIP Code®) contains an Any Street, an Ant Street, or both.
  • The street numbers along the street in question lie within the bounds of the ZIP Code®.
  • The street number is a valid address.
  • The address is a business or residence and whether a residence is a single family or multifamily dwelling unit.

ZIP + 4® Appending or Correction....

Per the United States Postal Service®a standardized address is one that contains all delivery address elements matched against the ZIP + 4® file. This file contains all valid ZIP Code®s in the United States. The records in a house file or rented lists are compared by ZIP Code®s with this file. If the ZIP Code®s do not match, then we correct or append the correct ZIP Code®. If any ZIP Code®s do not match, then a record could be considered nondeliverable.

Carrier Route Coding....

To increase mailing efficiency the United States Postal Service® offers a discount for mail that is presorted to the carrier route level. Our NCOALinkTM processing includes adding the carrier code to your addresses to prepare your mailing to qualify for lower postage rates.

CASSTM Report...

Please download our NCOALinkTM Technical Manual to see an example of a Coding Accuracy Support Summary Report.


NCOALinkTM Processing is performed by a non-exclusive licensee of the United States Postal Service®.