The First
Line of the Address:
- Address unkown to carrier.
- Addressee temporarily away.
- Addressee’s name misspelled.
- Addressee’s Street Address
- Missing address line or street
- No such or incorrect number.
- Missing house number/P.O.
The Last Line of the Address:
- Incorrect or missing ZIP Code®.
Other Reasons for Undeliverability:
- Change of address on file.
- Forward order expired.
- Moved, left no address/box
closed, left no order.
- No such or incorrect apartment,
suite, etc.
- Missing or incorrect street
directional or suffix.
- No such rural route number/rural
route box.
- Rural route address change
to city-type address.
- Incorrect or missing city
and/or state
- Address vacant.
- No label/illegible label.
- No mail receptacle.